slabs & Walkways
The initial preparation of a newly placed walkway, curb, or slab is crucial for its long-term safety, performance, and durability. Matcon's experienced supervisors and field technicians ensure expert preparation of these paved surfaces, including:
Clearing & Grubbing
Excavation & Grading
Geotextile Placement
Retaining walls
Our General Contracting division has the equipment and years of experience to oversee large scale projects, facilitate permit applications, and ensure proper design and safety adherence.
Demo & removal of existing retaining wall if needed
Trench Excavation
Gravel Base Leveling
Trenching & Backfill
Our General Contracting division offers turnkey trenching, backfill and paving services. We work with facilities and utility providers to supply trench access then backfill after installations and repave, if necessary.
Common Applications: underground plumbing connections; updated drainage and sewer systems; structural foundations; electrical and telecommunication lines; environmental trench creation
Isolated demolition & Removal
Using our slab saws, core drill bits, wire saws, and track-mounted wall saws we can prepare a jobsite for complete demolition or selectively cut for non-destructive, isolated demolition while protecting the remaining structure. Our 480V 3-Phase DXR unit brings a 27kW power output to confined areas and its remote-control feature has made the jobsite safer for the operator. Outfitted with an articulating arm, this robotic unit offers an 18 foot vertical reach and packs a mean punch with an assortment of breaker, crusher, and bucket tools.